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Full list of Events auto-suggest "special action keywords"?

s.hind says:
I worked out that the Google Calendar events auto-suggest feature works on a "special action keywords": what's the full list? From the examples given I see we can use:
...1 month after...

Are there any more? Will there be anyway to extend this list?
Posted at 10:24am on January 17, 2008
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
The keywords are 'on', 'before', or 'after' (followed by the event name).

For 'before' and 'after', you can also specify the time period (in days, weeks, months, etc) -- so things like '3 days before' and '2 weeks after'. If you encounter a format that doesn't work how you think it should, please let us know. Thanks!
Posted 17 years ago
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