Please! Searching for list model in more than one recursive level !
fernando.capeletto says:
Maybe I asking some stupid.
But i need implements a list of tasks inside other list of tasks.
In this context, the sublist of tasks inside your parent, may be treat for your parent list like a task like others samples parent´s list tasks. The object 'list' may be one 'task' for other list too.
Example: (with a tree of 4 levels)
List #1: "Graduate in Enginner in Usp - Brasil"
Task $1 of #1 : List #1.1: "Aprove in 'Digital Filters Course'
Task$1.1.1 of #1.1 : "Write work 1 about chebyshev"
Task$1.1.2 of #1.1 : List #1.1.2: "Study for final exame"
Task$ of #1.1.2: List # "Take the books on Library"
(oh god .. and continue .. but is the real life!)
Task$ of # "Take 'Oppenhein - Signal and Systems Vol2 ->, tomorow"
Task$ of # "Take 'Sedra & Smith - Microeletronic Circuits ->, today"
(and, closing the tree)..
Task$ of #1.1.2: List # "Returns the books to Library"
Task$ of # "Return 'Oppenhein - Signal and Systems Vol2 ->, in 09/01 "
Task$ of # "Return 'Sedra & Smith - Microeletronic Circuits ->, in 10/01"
after this, List #1.1.2: "Study for final exame" is completed.
Task$1.1.3 of #1.1 : "Make the exame in 10/01"
Now, List #1.1: "Aprove in 'Digital Filters Course' is completed, and...
Task $2 of #1 : "Realize 760 hours like trainee"
Task $3 of #1: "Pay the docs´taxes."
Now the list #1 is completed !!
Its possible ?
But i need implements a list of tasks inside other list of tasks.
In this context, the sublist of tasks inside your parent, may be treat for your parent list like a task like others samples parent´s list tasks. The object 'list' may be one 'task' for other list too.
Example: (with a tree of 4 levels)
List #1: "Graduate in Enginner in Usp - Brasil"
Task $1 of #1 : List #1.1: "Aprove in 'Digital Filters Course'
Task$1.1.1 of #1.1 : "Write work 1 about chebyshev"
Task$1.1.2 of #1.1 : List #1.1.2: "Study for final exame"
Task$ of #1.1.2: List # "Take the books on Library"
(oh god .. and continue .. but is the real life!)
Task$ of # "Take 'Oppenhein - Signal and Systems Vol2 ->, tomorow"
Task$ of # "Take 'Sedra & Smith - Microeletronic Circuits ->, today"
(and, closing the tree)..
Task$ of #1.1.2: List # "Returns the books to Library"
Task$ of # "Return 'Oppenhein - Signal and Systems Vol2 ->, in 09/01 "
Task$ of # "Return 'Sedra & Smith - Microeletronic Circuits ->, in 10/01"
after this, List #1.1.2: "Study for final exame" is completed.
Task$1.1.3 of #1.1 : "Make the exame in 10/01"
Now, List #1.1: "Aprove in 'Digital Filters Course' is completed, and...
Task $2 of #1 : "Realize 760 hours like trainee"
Task $3 of #1: "Pay the docs´taxes."
Now the list #1 is completed !!
Its possible ?
fernando.capeletto says:
or I must to do in a linear way and link one with others using a name parameter, like this example ? :((((((
fernando.capeletto says:
In 'fake way', complete a list when complete other list isnt possible...
deterb says:
I'm not sure how to get them to display like that (perhaps preceed the task name with the hierarchy). For the actual structure, use tagging to represent it. For the first level, do +tagname, second level would be ++tagname, and so on. This would sort the tags in the tag list for the item and let you easily zoom in to any part of the list and complete as necessary.