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Missing Entries from Lightening and GCal

andrew.wilkie says:

Now after a week of using a RTM milk my entires have just disappeared from the Lightening extension and Gcal. My lists aren't being loaded by either calendar application.

With Lighting I'm using the webcal address and with Gcal I'm using the all events address within my settings.

Any idea why?


Posted at 10:39am on December 10, 2007
andrew.wilkie says:
Well I now have the tasks showing up in my Lightening calendar again. I just readded the url and they all came in. Now just to fix GCal.

Posted 17 years ago
andrew.wilkie says:
Well after much adding and readding of urls to Google Calendar. RTM now appers..


Posted 17 years ago
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
We're not aware of any recent issues with iCalendar feeds on our end -- if you experience any issues in the future, please let us know. Thanks!
Posted 17 years ago
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