Opera: unable to use ctrl-tab when in RTM tab

bogdano says:
The ctrl-tab keyboard shortcut is used in Opera to tabulate between tabs (pages).
When the current page is RTM, this shortcut doesn't work.
I see no error in Opera's debug console that would help debugging it.
I'm using Opera-9.24 on linux-i586, I've seen this behavior since 8.50.
When the current page is RTM, this shortcut doesn't work.
I see no error in Opera's debug console that would help debugging it.
I'm using Opera-9.24 on linux-i586, I've seen this behavior since 8.50.

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
bogdano, thanks for reporting this -- we'll check it out.

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
We've now fixed this issue -- please let us know if you experience any further problems. Thanks!