Can't move a task from sent list

lwallach says:
So I use the sent list to hide some tasks I use just for functio n al purposes within RTM - for example separators for my tag cloud and the project titles.
The o n e annoyance with this was that if I wanted to edit the task name, i would need to move them back to my inbox, as you can't do any editing within the sent list. However when i just tried to do this just now I no lo n ger see an optio n to move a task, o n ly to delete it or undo last actio n .
Was this optio n removed? If so, please bring it back - that or implement some more elegant way of allowing people to create seperators or tasks that are simply labels but not real tasks. This was o n e workaround that I've been using, but now it seems I can't use it anymore?
The o
Was this optio

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
We've re-architected the sending feature to fix some issues that people were having -- our priority is to make sure that the sending feature is working as intended (i.e. sent tasks are read-only copies of tasks that have been sent to other people). This has meant that we had to remove some functionality that probably shouldn't have been working in the first place (moving tasks into the list that weren't being sent anywhere). Sorry for the inconvenience!