Tasks received from Jott are awkward

andrewminer says:
I've been using Jott and RTM together for a while now by having Jott send email to my RTM email address. The annoyance of doing this is that you have the "(Jott to self)" text in fro n t of all your messages, and a giant note with a bunch of goofy HTML. I was quite excited to see 'official' support for linking Jott and RTM as I thought it would solve these problems. Unfortunately, it seems to have made it worse in that I now get *even more* junk text in my tasks, and the weird HTML is *still* included as a note. On top of that, I now *also* receive an email in my regular inbox!
The way I'd love for this to work is: I call Jott, say my RTM keyword, dictate a message, and hang up. I then receive a new task in my chosen list which has *ONLY* the text I spoke as the task name, and *NO* notes or other email.
Thanks for the hard work in the new update; I love the other new features!
The way I'd love for this to work is: I call Jott, say my RTM keyword, dictate a message, and hang up. I then receive a new task in my chosen list which has *ONLY* the text I spoke as the task name, and *NO* notes or other email.
Thanks for the hard work in the new update; I love the other new features!

lwallach says:
I've used Jott and do n 't experience what you are. Sure, I get a co n firmatio n email from Jott that the Jott was sent, but I'm guessing you can turn this off in Jott? As for extra text/html going into notes... never seen it. I wo n der if you talk for more than a certain amount of time it just pushes some of the text to a note, since it's possible the title field for an RTM task is o n ly 50 characters, or 100, or whatever, and beyo n d that it just needs to put the text somewhere else. Have you tried this will different tasks/due dates/tags? Is it the lo n g jott's that have the issue, or any o n e?

andrewminer says:
It happens no matter what I do, every time. I'll dig around in my Jott settings to see if they've added a flag or something so I can disable it.

lwallach says:
I wo n der if there is something messed up with your jott account or with the co n nectio n you set up between jott and rtm? You might try removing that co n nectio n and starting over, and if that doesn't work, try creating a new Jott account and see if the same thing happens?

andrewminer says:
I see what the problem was. I still had it set up to send email, and that seemed to be causing co n fusio n . I changed my Jott settings not to send email to my RTM email account, and the task showed up in RTM just as I would like. Thanks for the advice, lwallach!