Help with andvanced search
lwallach says:
I have a list where I want to display all my tasks with a due date except that for tasks that are repeating, I only want to show them if they are due within three days. I've looked at the syntax for advanced search and tried to impement it with the following statement:
not(due:never) and (isRepeating:false or (isRepeating:true and dueWithin:"3 days of today"))
However, I still get a repeating task in my list that's still not due for over a week from now. Am I doing something wrong or is this possibly a bug?
not(due:never) and (isRepeating:false or (isRepeating:true and dueWithin:"3 days of today"))
However, I still get a repeating task in my list that's still not due for over a week from now. Am I doing something wrong or is this possibly a bug?
lwallach says:
That should have been "advanced search, not "andvanced"! Any chance we might at some point get to edit these messages before a reply is posted? :)
I tried your search and thought that I got the same error. However, when I checked the list in detail I realized that it contained some tasks that were not repeating even though they initially had been entered as such. How they became un-repeating I don't know, maybe the same thing happened to you?
For me the search works fine. If you want you could remove the "isRepeating:true and" part.
For me the search works fine. If you want you could remove the "isRepeating:true and" part.
lwallach says:
Thanks raijan. I ended up doing things a bit differently with a different search statement that works more predictably...