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Postponing overdue items with different due dates

crandall57 says:
When I postpone overdue items with different due dates all at once, all the items now have a due date of today. Is there a way to keep the same due date "spacing". For example, if 1 task is due 7 days ago and a 2nd task is due 6 days ago, I'd like to be able select both and when I click postpone for 1 week, Task 1 will be due today and Task 2 will be due tomorrow. Is there a way to do this?
Posted at 1:57pm on October 9, 2024
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Hi crandall57,
This will happen when you postpone overdue tasks less than they are overdue, for example postponing a task by one day that is overdue by a week will bring it to today.

However, postponing it by a longer interval (say two weeks, to extend the above example) would postpone it based on its original due date.

So you may need to postpone your tasks in batches to preserve their order, or postpone more often/before they are more overdue, and/or postpone by longer to overshoot the overdue time. 😅

I hope this helps, but I also understand it's a pretty specific behavior, so let me know if you need further help or a more specific example. 💙
Posted 12 days ago
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