Sync with pro account syncing too much

bryan.pflug says:
Just began trying Sync yesterday, but so far, had several problems. My tasks are indeed showing up in my WM6 outlook, but are duplicated. Additionally, while I identified a 'selective' sync (only a specific list), all my tasks in fact were synchronized... then when I deleted the ones that shouldn't have been, they were deleted from my handheld as well. Luckily, I had a backup, but I'd like to just sync a specific set of categories from my WM6 outlook to RTM - is this functionality supposed to be working?

(closed account) says:
Does the due date and time sync to the reminder in the task on you mobile device or does it get lost? I can't sync reminder times with Windows Mobile 5.

bryan.pflug says:
Yes, due dates seem to be syncing... but filtering by category is not working - I'm getting all items from my PDA ending up in my 'personal' list, even those that were categorized differently.

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Bryan, could you please contact us and provide further details? It looks like you currently have two lists set to sync -- would it be possible to confirm whether you've changed this setting?
If you can provide us with the steps that you took (both in RTM and in MilkSync), this would help us to investigate further. Did you ever experience any problems while syncing (for example, connection issues)?
(Also can I confirm that you deleted tasks in your RTM account and then synchronized? If they were then removed from your device, this is how it should be working.)
If you can provide us with the steps that you took (both in RTM and in MilkSync), this would help us to investigate further. Did you ever experience any problems while syncing (for example, connection issues)?
(Also can I confirm that you deleted tasks in your RTM account and then synchronized? If they were then removed from your device, this is how it should be working.)

bryan.pflug says:
I indeed did sync in two paths - one by just hooking up my USB connection, another by an over-the-air explicit sync. I also switched from a 'sync all' setting to a 'sync selectively' setting, after I was getting all the task from my Pocket Outlook synchronized (your documentation doesn't really describe this very well so one could expect this behavior); those showed up in my 'inbox' and when I noticed this, I backed them up on Outlook (desktop), deleted them, resynchronized, re-imported them, and resynchronized again (after changing to the 'selective sync'. It was then that I was surprised to find them still showing up.
Another possible issue is that there are two computers at play here - a work computer and a home computer - that I sync via usb to.the desktop Outlook. This is of course supported on WM devices, and generally works fine.
So at this point, I'm not deleting anything more until I hear a proposed resolution procedure from you folks. I have lots of hypotheses (perhaps I need to duplicate the same tab structure in RTM as desktop outlook, but hopefully not, as all I keep in RTM is my personal items only (keeping the work-related stuff on their machines). But hopefully with this info, you have a proposal to make.
Another possible issue is that there are two computers at play here - a work computer and a home computer - that I sync via usb to.the desktop Outlook. This is of course supported on WM devices, and generally works fine.
So at this point, I'm not deleting anything more until I hear a proposed resolution procedure from you folks. I have lots of hypotheses (perhaps I need to duplicate the same tab structure in RTM as desktop outlook, but hopefully not, as all I keep in RTM is my personal items only (keeping the work-related stuff on their machines). But hopefully with this info, you have a proposal to make.

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Bryan, thanks for providing this information. It sounds like you may be looking for a feature that's not available in MilkSync.
As described on the MilkSync page, it's possible to "Include all lists or specific lists from RTM in sync" (the instructions further down the page describe how to choose which RTM lists to include in sync).
This feature allows users to choose to only sync part of their RTM account with their device (particularly useful if you have a lot of lists in RTM and don't want them all on your device).
I believe the feature that you're looking for is to include only specific categories from the Windows Mobile device in the sync back to RTM. This feature isn't available in MilkSync at this time.
If your syncing has resulted in any duplicated/deleted tasks in your RTM account, please contact us with details, and we'd be happy to restore your account.
As described on the MilkSync page, it's possible to "Include all lists or specific lists from RTM in sync" (the instructions further down the page describe how to choose which RTM lists to include in sync).
This feature allows users to choose to only sync part of their RTM account with their device (particularly useful if you have a lot of lists in RTM and don't want them all on your device).
I believe the feature that you're looking for is to include only specific categories from the Windows Mobile device in the sync back to RTM. This feature isn't available in MilkSync at this time.
If your syncing has resulted in any duplicated/deleted tasks in your RTM account, please contact us with details, and we'd be happy to restore your account.

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Also, if you have any further issues with MilkSync, the best place to report these is with Help by Email, as these kinds of problems are usually account-specific (and not easy for us to diagnose on the forum). Plus, with a Pro account, you have priority email support :) Thanks!