Forum posting in Opera
indigoviolet says:
I know others have had this problem (noticed on the forum), but the forum never returns from the 'Post Reply' click in Opera 8.50 (someone else mentioned 8.10).
indigoviolet says:
Starting a topic worked, though..
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Are you using the "Preview" button, or do you press "Post Reply" without previewing first?
And does it do this consistently, or just some of the time?
And does it do this consistently, or just some of the time?
indigoviolet says:
Post Reply without previewing. Consistently.
indigoviolet says:
This is an attempt to preview and then post reply...
... Preview worked...
... Preview worked...
indigoviolet says:
And so did 'Post reply'! In summary, Preview and then Post Reply works, but Post Reply doesn't.
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Thanks for the report -- we'll fix this up :)