After Saturday -- bug or feature?
jefftheg says:
Thanks guys for such a WONDERFUL tool !!!
I have a set of tasks with the tag "Chores" that I want do on weekends.
When I use "every Saturday", but skip a week or two on one of those taks, then multiple occurrences show up (one for each week that was skipped plus the next week and I have to actually mark the skiiped ones as "Complete".
When I use "After Saturday", only one occurrence shows up which is EXACTLY what I want. However, the problem is that if a task is scheduled as "After Saturday" and I mark it complete on SUNDAY Oct 7, 2007, then it shows up as being due on Saturday October 20, completely skipping Sat October 13. I suspect that it's because it's scheduling it for the Saturday which occurs AFTER the next Saturday instead of the NEXT Saturday. Any chance that either this can be changed to schedule it for the next Sturday instead of the Saturday AFTER the next Saturday ... or add a new option instead of AFTER or EVERY?
Thanks again for such a WONDERFUL tool!!
I have a set of tasks with the tag "Chores" that I want do on weekends.
When I use "every Saturday", but skip a week or two on one of those taks, then multiple occurrences show up (one for each week that was skipped plus the next week and I have to actually mark the skiiped ones as "Complete".
When I use "After Saturday", only one occurrence shows up which is EXACTLY what I want. However, the problem is that if a task is scheduled as "After Saturday" and I mark it complete on SUNDAY Oct 7, 2007, then it shows up as being due on Saturday October 20, completely skipping Sat October 13. I suspect that it's because it's scheduling it for the Saturday which occurs AFTER the next Saturday instead of the NEXT Saturday. Any chance that either this can be changed to schedule it for the next Sturday instead of the Saturday AFTER the next Saturday ... or add a new option instead of AFTER or EVERY?
Thanks again for such a WONDERFUL tool!!
paul.sinclair says:
It doesn't quite work, but what I do for things like this is flag them as after 1 week. This gets mucked up if I do the task on Tuesday or something, but I tend to see it and adjust. I guess another way to do this is combine one of these with a tag for weekend, and check the weekend tasks as well.
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
jefftheg, thanks for reporting this -- it shouldn't be skipping a date, so we'll check into this. Thanks!