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How can I change color of Priority 2 and Priority 3?

(closed account) says:
The almost indistinguishable blue colors can make both priorities get overlooked and cause to miss out on important tasks. Is there a way to change the colors in the paid version?
Posted at 11:40pm on January 16, 2023
(closed account) says:
There's not currently a way to do that, but it would be a nice feature. There are a couple feature requests in the Ideas forum for this already. You can vote on it there:
Posted 2 years ago
danielalbu says:
I admire your optimism @geojono.

This is a feature request from 2006!
They had 17 years to implement it!

Even if all of the remaining RTM users vote on it, it still won't be implemented anytime soon.
Posted 2 years ago
(closed account) says:
I have tried to stay optimistic about the future of RTM, but it has become more and more difficult lately. I was just pointing out to ssark that there is a feature request that matches his request.
Posted 2 years ago
naveenroyv says:
Certainly agree that this should be a feature, but for what it's worth, you could create tags for different priorities and set a difference color of your choice for each.
Posted 2 years ago
naveenroyv says:
*different color
Posted 2 years ago
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