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smart list > help w/ query details

pskarbon says:

I am trying to modify this smart list query to include "not showing any tag titled "tools"... every version I come up with breaks the formula

dueWithin:"1 weeks of today" OR dueBefore:Today OR due:Today OR due:Never

Posted at 6:10pm on January 8, 2023
(closed account) says:
You can shorten what you have listed like this:
dueBefore:"8 days of today" OR due:Never

Then to exclude anything with the "tools" tag, add NOT tag:tools

dueBefore:"8 days of today" OR due:Never NOT tag:tools

Does that give you what you're looking for?
Posted 2 years ago
pskarbon says:
Thank you for replying geojono.

The "tools" tags still show up; however the first part of the equation worked with the dates and made the list look identical to mine (I love your version, much cleaner).
Posted 2 years ago
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
You may want to add parentheses to make sure it is parsed the way you want:

(dueBefore:"8 days of today" OR due:Never) AND NOT tag:tools

Thanks for sharing your idea, geojono! Keep me posted on what you find, pskarbon! 💙
Posted 2 years ago
pskarbon says:
Success, thank you both, the andrewski modification of geojono formula did what i wanted!
Posted 2 years ago
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