Changing Multiple tasks

pgogineni says:
Ok here seems to be a bug that i found. I go to any of my lists either click all( or type a tried both ways) then click due date and enter a new due date then enter...only the last task in the list seems to change. Am I doing something wrong?

pgogineni says:
Just figured out the multiedit mode...thanks

pgogineni says:
Ok tried this a few times. I am not able to change tag on multiple items at once. Is this a bug others are running into?

graham.reeds says:
You are probably overwriting the old ones.
Where it says leave it be! Replacing that replaces all tags with what you have entered.
Where it says leave it be! Replacing that replaces all tags with what you have entered.

pgogineni says:
yeah I read that in the help section..but for some reason I select a few tasks then add some new tags after and nothing seems to show up??

pgogineni says:
OK here is a clarification on whats happening. I guess I am trying to enter multi-edit mode too early. I mean even before I click on a few items. So is there a way to keep multi-edit mode on all the time..I really don't see the advantage of the single edit mode?

graham.reeds says:
Yeah. Looks like the multiple was interpreted as a tag and removed from the text stream. My bad for not doing a preview.