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Accidentally marking new items as complete

sowbug says:
Sorry if this is a duplicate; I didn't make it through all 66 pages of help posts.

This is a bad use case:

1. Go to Inbox.
2. Click Add Task.
3. Enter text for task, press Enter.
4. Notice that an overdue task is done.
5. Check that overdue task's checkbox.
6. Press "Complete" button.
7. Go about my life.
8. Weeks later, realize I forgot to do task entered in Step 3.
9. Blame RTM.

Do you see why this happens? It's because the new task has no due date so it drops to the bottom of the list, probably off the bottom of the screen so it can't be seen. But new items by default have the list checkbox checked. After Step 5 I see just one checkbox checked on the screen, and assume that the Complete action applies only to that one item. But both are marked complete -- the old one and the brand-new, incomplete item.

Incidentally, this reminds me of Real's installer from years ago. Five checkboxes in a list box that was sized to show only four items. The first four items were benign ("Add shortcut to my desktop" and similar). The fifth was evil -- I forget which, but I think it was to install some other annoyware on the machine -- and of course it was checked by default. Most users briefly scanned the screen and accepted the defaults, then were surprised to see the extra installation. I can't tell you how often this is cited as an example of Why Real Is Bad, even to this day. They really destroyed a ton of good will by that maneuver.

Anyway, back to the topic. This RTM usability issue is obviously not motivated by evil, but its consequences can be even more sinister than the Real behavior.
Posted at 6:28pm on September 12, 2007
ranbarton Power Poster says:
You are not alone in getting caught like this. I think what you describe is the worst (only?) gotcha within RTM. I'm not sure how I'd fix it, and once you've been around for a while, you wise up to it, but it is deadly for those new to RTM.

I know we always pester Bob for fancy stuff, but I think it would be worthwhile to give this issue some real hard thought. Maybe now that you have a cow on staff, you could bring her in to brainstorm a bit.
Posted 17 years ago
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