Advance Search multiple tags...

(closed account) says:
Can RTM advance search multiple tags? If so, how do I do it?

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
miklamx, which kind of search are you looking to perform? You can use advanced search operators to search for multiple tags (with both OR and AND searches).

(closed account) says:
So here's how I advanced search for Location and Tag with no results. Location: Downtown AND Tag:Salesop with no results...

castiron says:
The operators are case-sensitive; if you searched using Location: and Tag:, it won't work. Try location:Downtown AND tag:Salesop .

castiron says:
Yep, it is, . When I search on Tag:foo, I get no results; when I search on tag:foo, I get all my tasks tagged "foo".
It doesn't care about "foo" versus "Foo" versus "fOo", though; it's only the operator that's case-sensitive.
It doesn't care about "foo" versus "Foo" versus "fOo", though; it's only the operator that's case-sensitive.

(closed account) says:
I was searching in the wrong field. I had done an advanced search and plugged the search into the tag field instead of doing it at the general search area in the top right. When I used the multiple features they came right up. Thanks for your feedback!