List and tasks vanishing!

gmonty says:
I have two issues which seem connected. I have 2 macs at home and often am logged in on RTM for both, which means I am set up in the lounge and bedroom. This morning I wrote a list of things to get done today whilst on computer 1 then later I went to computer 2 to strike off an item. Strange thing though was that none of the items listed today were there. I did a refresh but no change. I went back to computer 1 and all the items were there. I hit refresh and then they all vanished. The other issue is I created a list from scratch a few days ago and filled it with tasks, it also vanished. Oddly when I logged into RTM today on PC 2 the list was there and I was perplexed but happy. When I went back to PC1 though the list was still gone and it vanished on PC2 when I hit refresh hoping to get my tasks for that day to display. FYI I recently I stopped using google gears with RTM (FF as it would just sit with the green sync indicator on but never enter into RTM . If the list for today is gone I can live with that but an explanation would be good, I need to be able to trust RTM or I will discontinue using. if I could restore the other list that would be great. Emily email me with any questions you have. In the meantime back to pen and paper! I have been a big fan for a long-time so I am looking forward to a sound explanation.

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
gmonty, I'll follow this up with you via email -- we'll need some more details to be able to investigate this fully. Thanks!

gmonty says:
I am about to duck out but will respond ASAP. Neither PC is saving tasks and oddly the missing list is back on PC 2 but not PC 1. Both are logged in and display the date. Its almost like they are independent of each other. Both able to accept tasks but as soon as you change from one to the other all tasks vanish. Oh and I only had a couple of drinks last night I swear!