Search by year

mahinirb says:
Is there a way to search by month and/or year? I'm interested in seeing all tasks for a certain tag for Sept 2021. Or just for 2021.

(closed account) says:
You can use dueBefore and dueAfter options:
Tag=work AND dueAfter=12/31/2020 AND dueBefore=02/01/2021
will give you all the tasks due in January.
(You can also use startBefore and startAfter)
Tag=work AND dueAfter=12/31/2020 AND dueBefore=02/01/2021
will give you all the tasks due in January.
(You can also use startBefore and startAfter)

(closed account) says:
Yes, what azclaire said.
Also, you can search using addedBefore, addedAfter, updatedBefore, and updatedAfter if you want to search for when a task was first added or when it was last updated.
So, if you want all the tasks that were entered into RTM during January 2021 for the "work" tag:
tag:work AND addedAfter:12/31/2020 AND addedBefore:02/01/2021
But, since you're looking for all tasks for a certain tag for Sept 2021, I'm guessing you want to search by due date (since Sep 2021 is in the future).
tag:work AND dueAfter:08/31/2021 AND dueBefore:10/01/2021
Here's where you can find all the operators and how they're used:
Also, you can search using addedBefore, addedAfter, updatedBefore, and updatedAfter if you want to search for when a task was first added or when it was last updated.
So, if you want all the tasks that were entered into RTM during January 2021 for the "work" tag:
tag:work AND addedAfter:12/31/2020 AND addedBefore:02/01/2021
But, since you're looking for all tasks for a certain tag for Sept 2021, I'm guessing you want to search by due date (since Sep 2021 is in the future).
tag:work AND dueAfter:08/31/2021 AND dueBefore:10/01/2021
Here's where you can find all the operators and how they're used: