Newbie Help with RSS
mike2246 says:
Hi, i'm mainly using this as an easy way to make of list of task that i can rss/email/text message my boss with updates.
problems i've came across so far. if I mark a task completed it doesn't show completed on RSS.
on RSS if i don't put down Due/Time/Tags/Location/Postponed why does it still display 'None' just makes it look confusing.
problems i've came across so far. if I mark a task completed it doesn't show completed on RSS.
on RSS if i don't put down Due/Time/Tags/Location/Postponed why does it still display 'None' just makes it look confusing.
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
mike2246, thanks for your feedback. Atom/RSS feeds currently only include incomplete tasks (so once tasks are completed, they're removed from the feed). Feeds include any task properties, even if they're not set. Hope this helps.