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Probleme with Twitter

(closed account) says:
I have a probleme with Twitter feature, my account have been verified, i can send command to RTM but i can't receive the answer either the reminders, thx
Posted at 8:08am on August 11, 2007
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
davyke, can you please contact us and let us know your Twitter username and a command that you've tried sending?

Also, would it be possible to check your received direct messages on the Twitter website to see if anything from RTM has arrived there?

Posted 17 years ago
sabowker says:
Hi Emily, I'm having the exact same problem. No responses from RTM for any of the commands I've tried today...including !getlist and !today. I was able to add a task to my INBOX, but RTM did not reply with the usual confirmation.
Posted 17 years ago
sabowker says:
RTM is "playing nice" with Twitter again, though it would have been nice if someone from RTM had posted that info on these boards. (Or responded to my help request via the "contact us" form letting me know it had been fixed.)

Twitter is an international call for many users (myself included) so I suspect there are folks who are not inclined to send a bunch of test messages to see if the service is back up.

At any rate, I'm delighted that the interface is working again and thanks for a super product.
Posted 17 years ago
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
sabowker, I apologise for the delay. We're still working to completely resolve this issue, but it should be working better now.

This problem seems to occur if the Twitter side is unavailable and doesn't accept our messages -- we've made some changes here so that RTM will keep on trying until Twitter is accepting messages again. Unfortunately messages may be delayed if Twitter is unavailable, but we're doing our best to make sure that the messages make it there in the end! :)

Please do let us know if you experience any further problems (I can relate on the high SMS costs -- I'm in Australia :)
Posted 17 years ago
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