Rename Shared Inbox

elevatorsout says:
A friend shared their inbox with me. Now that I have accepted the inbox I have two inbox's shown in my lists. Because the inbox is protected it can not be renamed (no pencil next to it). I understand locking my inbox, but wouldn't it be possible for me to rename the shared inbox? Or at least could you make the list have a different name - something like "Jill's Inbox" or "'s Inbox" or "Shared Inbox from Jill"?
I do not know if this is a problem with other, non-inbox, shared lists, but I thought I would throw this out as a suggestion.
I do not know if this is a problem with other, non-inbox, shared lists, but I thought I would throw this out as a suggestion.

holly.ross says:
I came on the forum to suggest this exact same thing!!! I made my husband sign up for an account so that he could see my task lists and it immediately shared his Inbox with me. I would like to be able to rename his Inbox list to something else, since it's always just sitting there, kind of in the way right now!

bzpilman says:
It says "This list cannot be shared" on my Inbox sharing settings. Not that would probably want to share it, I just got curious as to how you did such a feat :D