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See tasks for a particular date

rwaldman says:
How do I see tasks for an exact date in the future? For example: what tasks are on my list for Christmas Day of next year (12/25/2022).
Posted at 2:15am on February 19, 2021
raymond.bergmark Power Poster says:
Try searching: due:12/25/2021
Posted 4 years ago
(closed account) says:
If you're looking for what your task list might look like on 12/25/2022, I don't think there's a clean way to do this. I think one problem is that there are assumptions that have to be made. But if you want to assume that there will be no overdue tasks, then you can add logic like this:

startBefore:12/26/2022 NOT dueBefore:12/25/2022

This will include everything that has a start date 12/25 or earlier and has a due date that is 12/25 or later.

I'm not sure if this helps. It would be great to have a "What if" type of option that would basically assume a particular date, and then have some assumption options available.
Posted 3 years ago
(closed account) says:
If one doesn't use the start date that wouldn't work.

How about
dueBefore:12/26/22 AND
Posted 3 years ago
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