RTM and Screen Readers

vmaaxt says:
My sister uses a screen reader, specifically JAWS, and has trouble sharing tasks. The problem arises when the Share/Cancel balloon pops up. Her screen reader doesn't recognize either of those as valid link/buttons, and so, won't let her click on them. If this could be resolved, it would be great because that would let us have a family to-do list. Also anything else that would make RTM more accessible to people using screen readers would be appreciated. Thank you.

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
vmaaxt, thanks for letting us know -- we're going to look into this and see if we can change these buttons to work with screen readers. If there's anything else that doesn't work correctly (or could use improvement) for use with screen readers, we would love it if you could let us know -- we'd be happy to see what we can do to improve screen reader support. Thanks!