Text alerts not working for Cingular (now AT&T Wireless) users?
verbalcontract says:
I'm on AT&T Wireless, and recently my text alerts stopped working -- a week or two ago, around the time the "Cingular" name on my phone's display changed to "AT&T Wireless." Is there a fix in the pipe? And/or has anyone else experienced this?
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
verbalcontract, do you happen to know the email-to-SMS format that works currently? We have two formats for Cingular: yournumber@cingularme.com and yournumber@mmode.com -- would it be possible to try emailing these addresses and seeing which (if either) works now? Thanks!
verbalcontract says:
Thanks for responding. I just tested this again and got an alert -- problem must have been on my or CingulATT's end. Thanks for your help though!