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Add columns to task list

kenneho says:

In the web client's task list, the only columns displayed are the task name, priority, due time and whether or not there are notes.

Is it possible to add other fields such as time estimate?
Posted at 5:24am on August 12, 2019
raymond.bergmark Power Poster says:
Look in Settings/General, there are tic boxes for selecting which fields are shown.
Posted 5 years ago
raymond.bergmark Power Poster says:
OK, I see now that you mean in the list itself, not after selecting a task. Sorry!
Posted 5 years ago
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Hi kenneho,
Thanks for getting in touch. We appreciate the feedback about showing other columns in the task list.

You can vote on that in the Ideas forum.

Thanks again!
Posted 5 years ago
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