Completed tasks with repetition "after one day" dissappear.

solarlynx says:
Hello! I have two tasks which repeat "after one day". After completion they never appear. I have to restore them from "Incomplete" list. I cannot figure out why it is so. Can someone give me a hint what's wrong here? Other tasks with different repetition, including "after one day" are OK.
Thank you.
Thank you.

solarlynx says:
Sorry, a typo: "I have to restore them from "Completed" list. "

andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Hi solarlynx,
Sorry to hear about that.
You may want to uncomplete each of these affected tasks, reset the repeat, and try completing them again.
If that doesn't help, are you able to contact us so we can get some more specifics to look into this on our end?
Keep us posted what you find!
Sorry to hear about that.
You may want to uncomplete each of these affected tasks, reset the repeat, and try completing them again.
If that doesn't help, are you able to contact us so we can get some more specifics to look into this on our end?
Keep us posted what you find!

solarlynx says:
Thank you very much, though that didn't work. But your advice inspired me to try one more trick: I duplicated the tasks, than completed them, one of the duplicates of each task survived in tomorrow tasks. I tested them again: made due from tomorrow to today and completed, they survived again, voila. They work perfectly.
Thank you.
Thank you.

andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
I'm glad to hear that helped.
This should be very temporary, so let us know if you ever notice this again!
This should be very temporary, so let us know if you ever notice this again!

solarlynx says:
So far so good. These two tasks work fine.

solarlynx says:
So a week has passed. These tasks have been repeating flawlessly. I believe we can consider that they are finally OK.
Thank you.
Thank you.

andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Hi solarlynx,
So glad to hear that! Sorry again for the inconvenience before.
Let us know if we can ever help with anything else.
So glad to hear that! Sorry again for the inconvenience before.
Let us know if we can ever help with anything else.