Notes not refreshing in Opera

kmshiva says:
I have two tasks, both of which have 4 notes each with lots of text(spanning more than one page). In Opera 8.5, when I choose one task and view its notes, and then choose the other task and views its notes, the notes of that previous task are only shown, though the title at the top of the notes tab changes to show the new task. This however works ok in firefox.

kmshiva says:
UPDATE: this seems to happen in firefox also sometimes. It happens pretty often to me, probably because the notes I have are a bit big.

kmshiva says:
UPDATE: this seems to happen in firefox also sometimes. It happens pretty often to me, probably because the notes I have are a bit big.

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Thanks for the report - we'll check this out and see if we can figure out what's happening.