lizzo1973 says:
When do I need to use parentheses in creating a smart list or task? I’ve noticed sometimes they have them and sometimes they don’t?
tag:na AND tag:@home) AND ((due:never) OR (isRepeating:true AND due:today)
tag:na AND tag:@home) AND ((due:never) OR (isRepeating:true AND due:today)
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Hi lizzo1973,
You can use parentheses to group search conditions, which I recommend any time you combine ANDs and ORs to make sure the search is grouping the conditions the way you want.
In your example, I would add parentheses like so:
tag:na AND tag:@home AND (due:never OR (isRepeating:true AND due:today))
That way you get the last set of conditions to find exactly what you want: "I am looking for any tasks without a due date or any that are both repeating and due today."
Hope this helps, but keep me posted on what you find.
You can use parentheses to group search conditions, which I recommend any time you combine ANDs and ORs to make sure the search is grouping the conditions the way you want.
In your example, I would add parentheses like so:
tag:na AND tag:@home AND (due:never OR (isRepeating:true AND due:today))
That way you get the last set of conditions to find exactly what you want: "I am looking for any tasks without a due date or any that are both repeating and due today."
Hope this helps, but keep me posted on what you find.
lizzo1973 says:
Thanks that helps! I will try to fix a few and see if I can get the right combination.
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Sure thing! Let us know if we can help tweak any searches or help come up with any combinations for your needs.