Mobile access - cookies won't save
tim.jordan says:
I'm having an issue in trying to access the mobile version of RTM. I first tried to access the standard http page to no avail (I reached the screen where I could enter my login information, but after entering the information, I would just keep getting the same login screen, with all information cleared). Howeever, I was able to have some success using the secure https link ( Unfortunately, even though I'm selecting the option to "remember me," I have to login each time I start a new session on my phone's browser. I am running hottproxy on a home computer (serving as my wap proxy) and noticed that while I had accumulated quite a few cookies from other sites (google, gmail, that are stored remotely on my computer running hottproxy, there were no cookies for RTM.
Fundamentally, my question is: How can I use RTM on my mobile phone without having to re-enter login information every session?
More specifically, why is my phone/proxy discriminating between RTM cookies and all other (e.g. google) cookies?
Fundamentally, my question is: How can I use RTM on my mobile phone without having to re-enter login information every session?
More specifically, why is my phone/proxy discriminating between RTM cookies and all other (e.g. google) cookies?
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Tim, it might be worth turning on any logging/debugging option in HoTTProxy to see what it's doing with the cookies -- unfortunately I'm not familiar with how HoTTProxy handles cookies and how this may be different for Google cookies. If your phone supports a browser such as Opera Mini, it may be worth trying that. Sorry I can't be of more help!
mikebalin says:
Hi - over the past few days I've been having a similar issue with logging in from my mobile phone browser (it's a windows mobile 5.0 smartphone). Each time I put in my ID/PW, the screen refreshes with these 2 boxes now coming up empty. This morning I received a different message, as the browser's coming back with saying "page not found". I've used RTM for several months till now with no problem accessing at all from the mobile device. Thoughts?
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Mike, thanks for letting us know. Not sure what the issue might be here, as we haven't made any changes to the mobile version recently. Would it be possible to try clearing the cache and cookies on your mobile browser, and then perhaps try accessing the mobile site via the HTTPS URL:
Please let me know if you continue to experience problems. Thanks!
Please let me know if you continue to experience problems. Thanks!