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Clonining "This week" with filtering

juanignaciosl says:
I usually interact with RTM through "This week" view. I'd like to have a clone of it that only included tasks with certain label. Is it possible? I'm trying to replicate with a Smart List, but I think that I can't display tasks "with due date in the past or within the next 7 days", and it looks like it won't store sorting.
Posted at 7:02am on March 6, 2018
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Hi juanignaciosl,
The sorting will be saved once you add it as a Smart List; a search will reload with the default sort each time.

The search for this would be the following:

(dueBefore:today OR due:today OR dueWithin:"7 days of today") AND tag:label

We hope that helps!
Posted 7 years ago
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Hi juanignaciosl,
The sorting will be saved once you add it as a Smart List; a search will reload with the default sort each time.

The search for this would be the following:

(dueBefore:today OR due:today OR dueWithin:"7 days of today") AND tag:label

Hope that helps, but keep me posted if you'd like any more help with this Smart List or any others.
Posted 7 years ago
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