Clonining "This week" with filtering

juanignaciosl says:
I usually interact with RTM through "This week" view. I'd like to have a clone of it that only included tasks with certain label. Is it possible? I'm trying to replicate with a Smart List, but I think that I can't display tasks "with due date in the past or within the next 7 days", and it looks like it won't store sorting.

andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Hi juanignaciosl,
The sorting will be saved once you add it as a Smart List; a search will reload with the default sort each time.
The search for this would be the following:
(dueBefore:today OR due:today OR dueWithin:"7 days of today") AND tag:label
We hope that helps!
The sorting will be saved once you add it as a Smart List; a search will reload with the default sort each time.
The search for this would be the following:
(dueBefore:today OR due:today OR dueWithin:"7 days of today") AND tag:label
We hope that helps!

andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Hi juanignaciosl,
The sorting will be saved once you add it as a Smart List; a search will reload with the default sort each time.
The search for this would be the following:
(dueBefore:today OR due:today OR dueWithin:"7 days of today") AND tag:label
Hope that helps, but keep me posted if you'd like any more help with this Smart List or any others.
The sorting will be saved once you add it as a Smart List; a search will reload with the default sort each time.
The search for this would be the following:
(dueBefore:today OR due:today OR dueWithin:"7 days of today") AND tag:label
Hope that helps, but keep me posted if you'd like any more help with this Smart List or any others.