Siri Trouble

dillo99 says:
RTM recently announced new Siri support. Unfortunately, I think this replaced the fact to Apple removed the option to make another reminder tool (like RTM) the default for reminders???? (IOS11). I used to have it set up that way. I could tell siri to remind me of something and it hit my inbox in RTM. That option appears to have gone away and I assume that is why RTM recently announced new SIRI commands and support. Just one problem - they don't seem to work. I tried all morning to add a task and it just kept going to the default apple app. I used the exact phrasing recommended by RTM - things like...“Add call Bob to my task list in RTM”. Anyone else having this problem?

rlieving says:
Siri doesn't work *AT ALL*. Not a little bit, not at all. RTM should take this off the site until the functionality works. Seriously! Did anyone test Siri before putting this announcement on the website?

(closed account) says:
If i use
Add call Jimmy at 5pm on Friday to my task list in RTM
it is added without the time.
Add call Jimmy at 5pm on Friday to my task list in RTM
it is added without the time.

ios 11. I had to go to settings/reminders and set default task to "list" to force it to use RTM. It seems to work to add a task but pretty fussy about the specific syntax of your request and sometimes works and sometimes doesnt.
Using the samples RTM provides:
"Add call Bob to my task list in RTM" - works adds to inbox
"add eggs to my grocery list in RTM" - works adds to grocery
"Mark call Bob as complete on RTM" - thinks I want to call Bob
"Start a list called "yard" on RTM" - Tells me I dont have any "yard" reminders
"What do I have due today in RTM?" (thinks I said "do" rather than "due"). If i edit in siri "do" to "due" it works -
Using the samples RTM provides:
"Add call Bob to my task list in RTM" - works adds to inbox
"add eggs to my grocery list in RTM" - works adds to grocery
"Mark call Bob as complete on RTM" - thinks I want to call Bob
"Start a list called "yard" on RTM" - Tells me I dont have any "yard" reminders
"What do I have due today in RTM?" (thinks I said "do" rather than "due"). If i edit in siri "do" to "due" it works -

dillo99 says:
Just tested again and it is still awful. No comment from RTM? Come on guys.

shreyasnaik says:
I can't get Siri and RTM to work on latest iOS, message "there was a problem with the app" (RTM). Can you help should this work?

jason.lemieux says:
Yea, this integration so so damn sub-par. It's not even close to usable. The legacy caldav siri integration was SO MUCH BETTER. Can we roll back?

craighuber says:
Bueller.. Bueller... Still not working. Why am I paying 39 a year again?

(closed account) says:
Open Settings on your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch
Tap Mail, Contacts, Calendars
Tap Add Account
Tap Other
Underneath Calendars, tap Add CalDAV Account
In the 'Server' field, enter:
In the 'User Name' and 'Password' fields, enter your Remember The Milk details
Tap Next
Switch Calendars to off.
Make sure Reminders is switched on.
Tap Save.
You should be returned to Mail, Contacts, Calendars, with the account added.
Tap Settings.
Tap Reminders.
Tap Default List.
Tap Remember The Milk.
You're done! Start asking Siri to remind you about tasks. :)
Tap Mail, Contacts, Calendars
Tap Add Account
Tap Other
Underneath Calendars, tap Add CalDAV Account
In the 'Server' field, enter:
In the 'User Name' and 'Password' fields, enter your Remember The Milk details
Tap Next
Switch Calendars to off.
Make sure Reminders is switched on.
Tap Save.
You should be returned to Mail, Contacts, Calendars, with the account added.
Tap Settings.
Tap Reminders.
Tap Default List.
Tap Remember The Milk.
You're done! Start asking Siri to remind you about tasks. :)