Evernote and Smart Add problems
harry.dekkers says:
After a long time, I want to try RTM again. I am facing two problems. The first problem. After I've linked my Evernote account to RTM and created a note with a reminder, this note will not appear in RTM. The second problem. I am a Dutchman and would like to use 'Smart add' in Dutch. That does not work. It does work if, for example, I enter 'tomorrow' in English. It does not matter if I prefer language in English or Dutch.
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Hi harry.dekkers,
Welcome back! Sorry you've run into these problems right away.
We'd be very curious to investigate the Smart Add problem, as that's not something we're able to reproduce currently.
Regarding Evernote, you may want to test this web to web (where the Evernote-Remember The Milk connection will occur) by adding a note + reminder to your Evernote web app. Then, the corresponding task (with the same name) should be created in Remember The Milk.
Either way, contact us if the Evernote problem continues or if you can send us an example of the Smart Add problem. Thanks!
Welcome back! Sorry you've run into these problems right away.
We'd be very curious to investigate the Smart Add problem, as that's not something we're able to reproduce currently.
Regarding Evernote, you may want to test this web to web (where the Evernote-Remember The Milk connection will occur) by adding a note + reminder to your Evernote web app. Then, the corresponding task (with the same name) should be created in Remember The Milk.
Either way, contact us if the Evernote problem continues or if you can send us an example of the Smart Add problem. Thanks!