SMS task formatting?

jr says:
I can post tasks to RTM via SMS with my cell phone but the task always ends up being blank. Is there a way I should be formatting the SMS message?
the TO: field I just put my RTM email and the body is where I put the task. I don't have any other fields when it comes to SMS. What am I missing here?
the TO: field I just put my RTM email and the body is where I put the task. I don't have any other fields when it comes to SMS. What am I missing here?

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
jr, if you're unable to specify the subject of your email, then you can include the following in the body to specify the task name:
Task: Weekly work meeting or T: Weekly work meeting
More details on the formatting of emails is available here. Hope this helps!
Task: Weekly work meeting or T: Weekly work meeting
More details on the formatting of emails is available here. Hope this helps!