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Drag and Drop

darinr says:
I feel like an do I drag and drop tasks in latest iOS 9.2.1 RTM app??
Posted at 3:36pm on February 10, 2016
raymond.bergmark Power Poster says:
You must have the sort order for the list (regular or smart) be set to Drag and drop.

In order to change this, click on the list name in iOS and choose Change xxx. Select Drag and drop, go back and choose Change (top right).

You get the small ribbons on the right, used to move the tasks.
Posted 9 years ago
darinr says:
Ah so when you are in the desired list if you click on it and choose edit list I see it now.

Hey thank you so much for your help. Probably seems silly but this is a big deal to me :-)
Posted 9 years ago
raymond.bergmark Power Poster says:
Had to search around a bit before I figured it out, it makes sense that the setting has to be right.
Posted 9 years ago
prushton says:
It would be nice to combine drag and drop sort order with grouping. For example in the This Week view, to be able to drag to reorder tasks within a day, or even move them between days.
Posted 8 years ago
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