Possible to get EN icon in RTM task to launch note in EN?
joegtd says:
Possible to get EN icon in RTM task to launch note in Evernote instead of in a browser window?
(closed account) says:
When I followed the directions on the RTM EN integration page in the past I t worked for me right away from web, desktop, & iOS.
Every now & again, I think I had to re-authorize RTM's permission to touch EN. I just can't remember how to do that.
Also, I remember prior posts about RTM/EN connectivity where RTM has suggested changing the EN reminder date to force RTM/EN to talk to each other again. Maybe that will help this situation.
Every now & again, I think I had to re-authorize RTM's permission to touch EN. I just can't remember how to do that.
Also, I remember prior posts about RTM/EN connectivity where RTM has suggested changing the EN reminder date to force RTM/EN to talk to each other again. Maybe that will help this situation.
There is a way, at least on Windows .. Once the note is created and linked into RTM, from Evernote note menu (or edit menu, sorry I am not in front of my computer right now) , do ctrl->"copy note link". Now in rtm paste the value in your task as an url field. Clicking the url will open the note directly in Evernote desktop. I really like this and do this for tasks/notes I frequently call from rtm.