Web Form to Set Due Date
johnfoland says:
Could you tell me what I'm doing wrong here? I've setup a webform to email tasks to my inbox. Everything works perfectly, except for some reason it's putting the 'Due' date in the 'Notes' and not the 'Due' field, even after some manipulation to the form mailer code. I've tried both "Due:" and "D:" Below is the email body (verbatim) that gets sent to RTM (between the lines of underscores).
Due: Today
--- :
Notes: Test test test test test test test test test
Submit: Send task to John's RTM Inbox
John (webmaster@RRRR.com) on Tuesday, April 17, 2007 at 09:37:43
Thanks so much in advance for your help. Please give Bob T. Monkey a hug for me too. :-)
Due: Today
--- :
Notes: Test test test test test test test test test
Submit: Send task to John's RTM Inbox
John (webmaster@RRRR.com) on Tuesday, April 17, 2007 at 09:37:43
Thanks so much in advance for your help. Please give Bob T. Monkey a hug for me too. :-)
cayzers says:
I have exactly the same problem. sorry, no solution. I've tried:
Due: Today
Due: Monday
Dure: Monday at 9am
Due: Today
Due: Monday
Dure: Monday at 9am
cayzers says:
Got it!
Apart from the typo above, the trick is to finish your email with 3 hyphens. These should be just below the tags like so, no blank lines
Apart from the typo above, the trick is to finish your email with 3 hyphens. These should be just below the tags like so, no blank lines
cayzers says:
.. and the rest of your email gets added as a note, although you can terminate this early by adding -end- on its own on a line.
cayzers says:
(so I meant to say 'the trick is to end the tag section' instead of 'the trick is to finish your email'.)
johnfoland says:
Cayzers - Thank you BIG TIME! My milk will not go sour thanks to you. ;-)