Severe Usability Bug Can Cause Repeated Data Loss

(closed account) says:
One of the biggest usability flaws of RTM's current setup is the fact that if you don't remember to deselect items, you run the risk of running your next action on it ... and, compounding the problem, the orange window telling you what you've just done and giving you the chance to reverse said action is very, very often invisible, if the page is scrolled down sufficiently that the orange is invisible. This can result in widescale loss of data if you have just edited a large number of tasks and have forgotten to deselect them prior to deleting a new task.
I cannot tell you HOW many tasks I have accidentally marked as completed, or have deleted, or have tagged incorrectly, thanks to this bug. I actually appreciated the completedAfter and completedBefore tags because they allow me to catch those mistakes much later ("hey, where'd my laundry tasks go?"), but no such benefit exists for mistakenly deleted tasks.
I very strongly (but respectfully) encourage to Emily and Co. that the following be implemented at their earliest conveniecne:
(a) In some way make the orange window that advises you what's been done always visible. The simple version of this idea might be to reposition the orange notification to be directly under the sidebar, and have it "float" with the sidebar. The more fancy version of this idea might be to in some way create a floating bezel effect, perhaps utilizing the Lightbox javascript code (, or just Google 'Lightbox' and browse the results).
(b) Ask for confirmation in some manner prior to deleting or marking complete *multiple items*. Mistakenly changing multiple items' attributes is not quite as catastrophic a change as marking them complete or deleting it, since the latter removes said tasks entirely from the plate; mistagging merely is a 'misfiling' of sorts.
I cannot tell you HOW many tasks I have accidentally marked as completed, or have deleted, or have tagged incorrectly, thanks to this bug. I actually appreciated the completedAfter and completedBefore tags because they allow me to catch those mistakes much later ("hey, where'd my laundry tasks go?"), but no such benefit exists for mistakenly deleted tasks.
I very strongly (but respectfully) encourage to Emily and Co. that the following be implemented at their earliest conveniecne:
(a) In some way make the orange window that advises you what's been done always visible. The simple version of this idea might be to reposition the orange notification to be directly under the sidebar, and have it "float" with the sidebar. The more fancy version of this idea might be to in some way create a floating bezel effect, perhaps utilizing the Lightbox javascript code (, or just Google 'Lightbox' and browse the results).
(b) Ask for confirmation in some manner prior to deleting or marking complete *multiple items*. Mistakenly changing multiple items' attributes is not quite as catastrophic a change as marking them complete or deleting it, since the latter removes said tasks entirely from the plate; mistagging merely is a 'misfiling' of sorts.

(closed account) says:
(And, lest you wonder, this post came about from a realization just now that a task I am extremely certain I entered is nowhere to be found, and realizing that it must've fallen victim to the above usability bug, and wondering exactly how may other tasks have been affected by it, and deciding to get off my haunches and speak up about it.)

slick says:
I agree. It seems that the problem has been introduced recently. Before you changed this to perform multiple action we used to enable the Multi-edit mode. Now it seems that the Multi-edit mode is always on and is impossible to turn it off. This is much less usable than before

(closed account) says:
Just to keep the record clearly, Slick's comment seems to pertain to something different than what I'm saying.