adding tasks to smart list does nothing

(closed account) says:
I appear to not be able to add tasks to smart lists, they just disappear. Even when adding to a simple smart search based on location or tag for example....

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
wilmegape, thanks for reporting this issue. Could you please let us know the Smart List query? Please feel free to contact us if you'd prefer to let us know off the forum. Thanks!

(closed account) says:
priority:1 AND location:@work
but also on a search for example: tag:p-a3
but also on a search for example: tag:p-a3

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
wilmegape, not sure what's happening here -- we're having some trouble reproducing this on our end.
Would you mind clearing your browser's cache, restarting the browser, and logging back in again, in case this helps?
If the problem continues, could you please let us know the browser and version that you're using, as well as your operating system? We can investigate this further. Thanks!
Would you mind clearing your browser's cache, restarting the browser, and logging back in again, in case this helps?
If the problem continues, could you please let us know the browser and version that you're using, as well as your operating system? We can investigate this further. Thanks!

(closed account) says:
the problem continues both in firefox and safari on mac os 10.4

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
wilmegape, thanks for letting us know. Would you mind contacting us and letting us know the name of a particular Smart List where this problem is occurring? We'd be happy to investigate further and see what's happening. Thanks!

vslacks says:
wilmegape - I think that what may be happening here is what confused me at first when I added a task directly to a smart list or after selecting a tag in the tag cloud. Check your inbox - that's the list that these items get added to.

vslacks says:
Well, this won't always be the case - for example, I have a smart list set up as "This Week" using the search conditions:
(list:Personal OR list:Shared) AND (dueWithin:"7 days of today" OR dueBefore:today)
If I enter a new task on this list, it does "disappear" to the Inbox. I think new tasks only inherit tags, if I'm not mistaken.
(list:Personal OR list:Shared) AND (dueWithin:"7 days of today" OR dueBefore:today)
If I enter a new task on this list, it does "disappear" to the Inbox. I think new tasks only inherit tags, if I'm not mistaken.

OK, I meant to say that it seems to me that the new task inherits all the properties of the smart list filter options BUT ONLY if all properties are unambigous. In your case above, what list would it belong to?
I have a smart list filter
location:@work and (due:never or dueWithin:"1 month of today")
but entering new tasks there does not add location:@work. I figure this is because the due-part. However, I think that RTM should result in a location:@work.
I have a smart list filter
location:@work and (due:never or dueWithin:"1 month of today")
but entering new tasks there does not add location:@work. I figure this is because the due-part. However, I think that RTM should result in a location:@work.

(closed account) says:
still not working :(, tasks just dissapear into thin air

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
wilmegape, sorry for the delay -- I've followed up with you again via email.