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How to create "Today with a tag" list (with smart add working)?

benol says:

The built-int "Today" list has the nice property that it behaves like "dueBefore: tomorrow" but tasks added to it are due today (even if the default is never).

I would like to achieve something similar, only with additional criteria (e.g. dueBefore:tomorrow AND tag:@home) that would keep smart add working (so that new tasks end up with due date today and tag @home and show in the list from which they were created).

Is this possible?

Posted at 3:20pm on April 23, 2015
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Hi benol,
Thanks for your feedback. Currently that Smart List/search would add the tag but would not set the due date to today, as the 'dueBefore:tomorrow' criteria currently doesn't trigger a "due today" setting.

Let me know if I can help with anything else!
Posted 9 years ago
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