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iPad App does not sync

franchouia says:

I'm in trouble: I changed and sort out many tasks on my iPad App and it does not sync... on my PC, my iPhone, nothing changed. I wouldn't like to lose what I did on may iPad...

2 information that may help to make the diagnostic :

> the sync icon has got a dot below it, even after the animated sync circle disappears;

> sometime, I got this message: "Temporairement inaccessible. RTM est temporairement inaccessible. Veuillez réessayer dans quelques minutes." (not accessible, please try in few minutes).

Many thanks for your help!

Posted at 11:23am on July 26, 2014
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Hi Franchouia,
Sorry to hear about this! You may want to try changing networks and syncing again, or restarting your iPad if that doesn't help.

Otherwise, can you contact us so we can help with more specifics? Thanks!
Posted 10 years ago
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