Tasks not updating on RTM

va1evan5 says:
I recently had milksync get disabled (unbeknownst to me). During that period of time, Outlook became my most up to date list. Milksync is now re-enabled, but it won't "catch up" to Outlook and update completed tasks and tasks with changed due dates. I still show several overdue tasks on RTM that are complete or postponed in Outlook. I tried manual 2-way sync and 1-way sync from Outlook to RTM. I also used "contact us" on RTM early last week since it was a perpetual issue. Still haven't heard back, so hoping someone in the forum has had a similar issue and can offer some advice.

andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Hi va1evan5,
Alex on the support team wrote you back on February 26, the day after you wrote us. I'll resend his message today.
Sorry for the delay in seeing your forum post!
Alex on the support team wrote you back on February 26, the day after you wrote us. I'll resend his message today.
Sorry for the delay in seeing your forum post!

va1evan5 says:
Thanks, Andrew. It hasn't come through -- either that day or today. Perhaps I miswrote my email address in the submission? Is there any way for me to share my correct address with you without posting it here?

andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Hi va1evan5,
Thanks for getting back to us. Sorry you haven't been receiving our messages! I wonder if there may be an email problem or if our messages are ending up in your Spam folder, etc. I can confirm that your email address is correct (which I verified with your account address when you had replied earlier this week).
Sorry I didn't think to include Alex's reply here when I replied yesterday; there's nothing personal/confidential so I'll quote it below:
Thanks for getting in touch!
Sorry you're seeing problems with MilkSync. Could you try removing MilkSync and reinstalling it from our website? You can download it on our website.
If that doesn't work, it may be that some Windows Registry keys and/or subkeys are missing, causing problems with MilkSync. (MilkSync uses those to determine some information about Outlook and to connect to it.)
Would it be possible to repair Office/Outlook as described in this article?
(If this is a company-provided computer, you may want to double-check with your IT department before proceeding if you have any doubt that they would allow you to do this.)
[A note to other users reading the forums: we don't suggest jumping to this right away, and encourage you to contact us first -- we'll suggest the best course of action depending on what issue you're seeing!]
Finally, if you have any further problem after that, would it be possible to [email us] a log from MilkSync in a reply? To do so:
* Right-click the Remember The Milk icon in your Windows System Tray.
* Select Tools then Logging, then View Log.
* If you can, please attach it in a reply to me. We'd love to take a look and see what might be going on.
Let me know how you get on!
Thanks for getting back to us. Sorry you haven't been receiving our messages! I wonder if there may be an email problem or if our messages are ending up in your Spam folder, etc. I can confirm that your email address is correct (which I verified with your account address when you had replied earlier this week).
Sorry I didn't think to include Alex's reply here when I replied yesterday; there's nothing personal/confidential so I'll quote it below:
Thanks for getting in touch!
Sorry you're seeing problems with MilkSync. Could you try removing MilkSync and reinstalling it from our website? You can download it on our website.
If that doesn't work, it may be that some Windows Registry keys and/or subkeys are missing, causing problems with MilkSync. (MilkSync uses those to determine some information about Outlook and to connect to it.)
Would it be possible to repair Office/Outlook as described in this article?
(If this is a company-provided computer, you may want to double-check with your IT department before proceeding if you have any doubt that they would allow you to do this.)
[A note to other users reading the forums: we don't suggest jumping to this right away, and encourage you to contact us first -- we'll suggest the best course of action depending on what issue you're seeing!]
Finally, if you have any further problem after that, would it be possible to [email us] a log from MilkSync in a reply? To do so:
* Right-click the Remember The Milk icon in your Windows System Tray.
* Select Tools then Logging, then View Log.
* If you can, please attach it in a reply to me. We'd love to take a look and see what might be going on.
Let me know how you get on!