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Task Dependency - Any ideas?

(closed account) says:
Good afternoon all,

RTM has really helped me to remember things that I would normally forget. It took me a while to figure out a system, but I basically have it down now.

One thing I cannot come up with a system to do though. I need a good method to implement task dependence. Has anyone come up with a system that works good for them and is not too clunky?

Here is an example of what I need to do:
Task 1: Copy files from one folder to an archive folder.
Task 2: Zip up the archive folder and move to the archive.

I cannot do task 2 before task one, and I am having to wait for storage to be added to a network drive to be able to do task 1. Is there a good way to keep task 2 hidden until task 1 has been completed.

Thanks for any help,
Rob Hix

Does anyone have a good method by which to accomplish task dependency in RTM?
Posted at 7:22pm on December 2, 2013
(closed account) says:
You can create a relationship between two tasks using the URL field. Each task has it's own URL, so you can copy Task B's URL into Task A's URL field. When I finish Task A I know where to go next.
Posted 11 years ago
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Hi Rob,
We don't have a built-in way to do this presently, but a lot of users find that using tags to group these tasks or ordering them with number ordering in a particular list works successfully to keep them together.

Hope this helps a bit!
Posted 11 years ago
exaenion says:
Hi there!

What about introducing dynamic dates as schedule time?

With the example of robhix:
Schedule time of Task #2 = Completion time of Task #1

A simple way (for the user) to point to Task #1 would be typing (the beginning of) its description into the schedule time field of Task #2.

A (more) complicated way would be to copy-paste the identifier (not visible, for the moment) or the URL of a task.

The point would be: what if the user deletes Task #1 (after linking it with Task #2)?
Posted 11 years ago
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