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Begin date ... (hide until)

(closed account) says:

is it possible to define a begin date and hide a task before this date?


Posted at 9:21am on March 5, 2007
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Dirk, sorry this isn't possible. You might be interested in using Smart Lists if you haven't checked them out already -- it's possible to create a Smart List that only shows tasks that are due within a certain period, so you can effectively 'hide' tasks that are due later in the future. Hope this helps!
Posted 17 years ago
rush.mccue says:
Dirk: I use exactly the method Emily described and it works great. In fact, I have set my smart list to show items dueBefore:now which means I can have items pop into my list at prescribed times.

More detail here:
Posted 17 years ago
(closed account) says:
Thanks for your support!
Posted 17 years ago
(closed account) says:
Personally, I'd still like to have control over a task's "hide until" status at the task level.

My "Finance" list contains bills and other financial tasks. I have several tasks which need to be completed soon (but have no due date), and several tasks (bills) which aren't payable UNTIL a certain date.

Because the bills have scheduled due dates, and the rest do not, the bills are sorted at the top of the list - pushing the remaining tasks to the bottom.

This situation is common among all of my lists. Sure, I could set priorities or due dates for the non-scheduled items, but this feels like putting the cart before the horse. Or, I could use a Smart List to filter out the bills, but this would effectively duplicate all of my lists.

The moral of the story: I'd prefer not to set due dates or priorities for tasks that are "due eventually" in order to compensate for tasks that are "incompletable until...". From both usability and simplicity perspectives, it makes the most sense to hide a task within the properties of the task itself.

Posted 17 years ago
(closed account) says:
As an aside: hiding a task until a specified date could circumvent an issue with the RTM Netvibes module.

Since all scheduled events for the upcoming week are displayed in the module, tasks such as "Water the Plants" and "Take A Vitamin" will be displayed days in advance - even though they are irrelevant until their due date.
Posted 17 years ago
john.long says:
I'd love to see a "hide until" option. That would be my biggest feature request. Sometimes a due date is a "drop dead" date, the last time you can do it. That is entirely different from a "do this on" kind of date.
Posted 17 years ago
tbonejuju says:
I Nth this request for "hide until"! I'm just implementing RTM, and I immediately ran into this issue. It's especially difficult since I have a lot of tasks that don't have specific due dates--which means that unfortunately for things like "pay Visa bill" (which I might not need to do for another 22 days, but which has a definitive due date), this ends up higher than the next projects I'm working on.... I'll definitely try the smart list hack above, but because of all the non-timed events I've got, I'm not so sure it'll work...
Posted 17 years ago
(closed account) says:
I think Smart Lists are the way to go. I tagged a bunch of my tasks that cannot really be done early (or are irrelevant until a certain day) with the tag "not-early". I then have a Smart List set up to give me my priorities for the day. It shows me all of my tasks due within three days of today, but hides any upcoming "not-early" tasks. Here's the search:

due:never OR dueBefore:now OR (dueBefore:"3 days from today" NOT tag:not-early)

You can modify that to suit your needs. I'm sure with enough creativity the Smart List feature can help you accomplish just about anything... cheers, RTM!
Posted 17 years ago
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