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Summing time estimates?

holroy says:
As of the current version the only place I see that time estimates are used/viewable is when looking at a specific task.

Wouldn't it be great to use this info when viewing lists of some sort? I.e. when viewing an arbitrary lists, RTM could automatically sum all the time estimates and display a total of how much time would be needed to do all the tasks.

Another option would be for the time estimates to appear in other views, like maybe the weekly planner.
Posted at 1:14pm on February 17, 2007
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
holroy, it should show the total time estimate for the list in the list details box on the right (when you have no tasks selected). This works for searches and Smart Lists too (so you can search for "priority:1" and see how long all your priority 1 tasks are estimated to take). Hope this helps!
Posted 18 years ago
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