Remeber me tick does nothing?
rmervart says:
When I tick Remeber me on the login page, on the next login I see no difference. I still have to put in both my username and password. What is it suppose to do?
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Roman, can I ask which URL you're using to access the site? It should login automatically if you go to:
However, if you've bookmarked the login screen or another URL on the site, it will prompt for your login instead. Hope this helps!
However, if you've bookmarked the login screen or another URL on the site, it will prompt for your login instead. Hope this helps!
rmervart says:
I was logging out of the rememberthemilk and that cancels the feature. It works but only when you close browser without logging out, otherwise it will ask for both user name and password again. I wrongly expected that even in that case it will remember the user name and will ask only for the password