tags with spaces and quotes not working?

yanowitz says:
from: http://www.rememberthemilk.com/help/answers/tags/tagstask.rtm
> Note: To join two words together in one tag, use double
> quotes e.g. "work meeting".
I have tried doing this, but this gets processed as two tags,
work and meeting.
> Note: To join two words together in one tag, use double
> quotes e.g. "work meeting".
I have tried doing this, but this gets processed as two tags,
work and meeting.

yanowitz says:
Sorry, I described this poorly.
Here's a fuller report:
1. Create a new task.
2. Tag it thusly:
"test tag" "work meeting", oneword, "two words"
In the task view, this gets turned into tags that look like this:
Tags: oneword, testtag, twowords, workmeeting
3. Edit the tags again, and you are presented with
oneword, testtag, twowords, workmeeting
Are the spaces supposed to be stripped?
-- Jason
Here's a fuller report:
1. Create a new task.
2. Tag it thusly:
"test tag" "work meeting", oneword, "two words"
In the task view, this gets turned into tags that look like this:
Tags: oneword, testtag, twowords, workmeeting
3. Edit the tags again, and you are presented with
oneword, testtag, twowords, workmeeting
Are the spaces supposed to be stripped?
-- Jason

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Yes, the spaces are removed -- sorry this isn't clearer in the help page.