Forward tasks by email?
houweb says:
Okay, I know how to send myself tasks by email - that's a great feature. I work in a jobshare role, where my work-partner and I are seldom in the office at the same time. We have recently started managing our workload with a single RTM account, and it would occasionally be useful to be able to forward tasks to one another's email accounts from within RTM - this way we could extract a task from the full list of everything we need to do, bat it around between us, adding comments etc., and then when we've finished our discussion just update the task in RTM. Is there an easy way to do this? Or do I really have to cut and paste from the RTM task list into a blank email message?
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
houweb, unfortunately there isn't a way to email tasks out (apart from the reminder options). If you're doing a lot of copying and pasting, you might find the Atom feed for each list easier to work with, if you view it in your browser (as it includes the task properties and notes). Sorry there isn't currently an easier way to do this.
houweb says:
thanks, emily (and ranbarton for echoing my request ;-) ). i will cut and paste away!
alvin says:
Hi houweb & Emily
Continuing from my Outlook sync rant earlier... one option I've been wanting is a simple 1-click option to send the entire list out to an (my) email address. This would be a simple workaround just to get the data into Outlook. I would hit this button just as I'm heading out of the office.
*dreaming slightly* now if that email was nicely formatted showing task priority, due date and other details, I would be in Milk heaven...
Alvin :)
Continuing from my Outlook sync rant earlier... one option I've been wanting is a simple 1-click option to send the entire list out to an (my) email address. This would be a simple workaround just to get the data into Outlook. I would hit this button just as I'm heading out of the office.
*dreaming slightly* now if that email was nicely formatted showing task priority, due date and other details, I would be in Milk heaven...
Alvin :)
The ability to crank out a formatted list of tasks from a smart list, and direct that to an email account - well, that'd be just amazing. That's a great idea, Alvin. If that were the case, I can think of several more uses for RTM right away. Emily, get Bob to work on this ASAP, just as soon as he is done with the checkbox issue and task and list sorting. Phew, poor Bob.