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Smart List Searching

jaycarter says:
What I'd really like is a list of all task sorted by list, then priority with the ability to exclude certain list. What I'd settle for is a way to search for all incomplete task from all list with while exclude certain lists. Is there currently a way to do that? Thanks in advance. Jay
Posted at 2:24pm on December 18, 2006
ranbarton Power Poster says:
At the current time, sorting options are very limited. To see the mother of all sorting threads here, I suggest reading this, which I suspect you will find interesting:

As for your request, you can include some lists, exclude others, and dice your searches pretty finely. The reference for that is here, and you'll find that some tinkering is usually necessary, so don't give up right away.
Posted 18 years ago
jaycarter says:
On the first one - Wow! lots of feedback.

On the second one - Looks like it's just what I need.

Thanks for the info.

Posted 18 years ago
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