Can't tag multiple items at once
martin.polley says:
If I select multiple items and apply a tag, the tag only "sticks" to the last (lowest) selected item, and not to all items, as I would expect.
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Martin, are you using the multi-edit mode? (When we first launched the site, it was only possible to edit the properties of one task at a time -- we added this mode to make editing multiple tasks possible.) There are also more details on tagging multiple tasks here. Hope this helps!
martin.polley says:
Hi Emily,
Oh yeah, RTFM... Nice feature, by the way :)
Oh yeah, RTFM... Nice feature, by the way :)
martin.polley says:
BTW, I find myself adding the same note to multiple tasks sometimes (e.g., for multiple tasks that relate to release 7.2.1, for which the release date is ).
Any chance that this can be enabled in multi-edit mode too?
Any chance that this can be enabled in multi-edit mode too?
gms8994 says:
emily -
Can this work in reverse - IE, selecting multiple tasks, going to multi-edit mode, and 'removing' tags, maybe via !, or -, and then it would remove that tag from all of them that match.
Can this work in reverse - IE, selecting multiple tasks, going to multi-edit mode, and 'removing' tags, maybe via !, or -, and then it would remove that tag from all of them that match.
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Martin, right now multi-edit is only for editing task properties -- we don't currently have plans to extend this to notes, but we'll definitely be looking at ways we can improve the notes feature.
gms8994, interesting idea. I know that there have been a few requests for more tag management features (which would make removing/renaming tags etc possible).
gms8994, interesting idea. I know that there have been a few requests for more tag management features (which would make removing/renaming tags etc possible).
juanedu says:
I'm having the same problem. Multi-edit mode is enabled.
juanedu says:
More info. It seems to be an ajax refresh issue.
I openend IE6 and logged in: all the tasks were already updated (I actually use FF2).
I openend IE6 and logged in: all the tasks were already updated (I actually use FF2).