RTM is broken if Google Maps cannot be reached

sebv says:
If Google Maps cannot be reached (e.g. blocked by a proxy), then my user page is broken and absolutely unusable.
It only shows the RTM logo, a navigation menu and the "Initializing..." text on the right side with the search box.
The following errors are reported:
GControl is not defined
RTMTimeFilterControl.prototype=new GControl();RTMTimeFilterControl.prototype.ini...
rtm.79.js (line 571)
tasksToolBox.init is not a function
div id="tools_spacer" style="margin:0; clear: both; padding-top: 1.8em; bor...
html (line 327)
listTabs.init is not a function
html (line 297)
detailstab.init is not a function
html (line 1309)
contactsdetailstabs.init is not a function
html (line 1322)
settingsdetailstabs.init is not a function
html (line 1331)
It only shows the RTM logo, a navigation menu and the "Initializing..." text on the right side with the search box.
The following errors are reported:
GControl is not defined
RTMTimeFilterControl.prototype=new GControl();RTMTimeFilterControl.prototype.ini...
rtm.79.js (line 571)
tasksToolBox.init is not a function
div id="tools_spacer" style="margin:0; clear: both; padding-top: 1.8em; bor...
html (line 327)
listTabs.init is not a function
html (line 297)
detailstab.init is not a function
html (line 1309)
contactsdetailstabs.init is not a function
html (line 1322)
settingsdetailstabs.init is not a function
html (line 1331)

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
sebv, thanks for reporting this. We're looking into this issue, but unfortunately the site currently requires that maps.google.com is unblocked.